Logical-Framework development on the iPad

LFApad is a FileMaker-base application designed to draft project proposals according to the logical-framework approach (LFA) on the iPad.
LFApad facilitate a rigorous and coherent project development while keeping all activities, tasks and resources under control.
Once inside the application you can tap around to enter content while using the main button at the top-right corner to navigate the different LF sections: General objective and purpose (goals) on the home page; expected rests; actions related to each result; resources needed in each action with a breakdown of each action in tasks. There’s a tool to sketch down some ideas by hand on the iPad itself before starting the actual drafting. At the end you can see the timeline in GANTT-like format and print (or generate pdf files) each section or the whole project and move on to the narrative proposal.
I wrote this application because I needed such a tool for a previous consultancy. The application is currently being tested. If you are interested please drop me an email. Once the testing phase is over I plan to make it available “as is” for non-commercial purposes.
It isn’t a native app but it needs FileMaker Go in order to be executed on the iPad, either remotely or locally. This allows for personalized developments tailored to the specific need of every designer/organization with a faster deployment cycle than allowed by iTunes store.